Welcome to my adorkable website!


Hello! My name is Rachel. I am a puppeteer, voice actor, singer, writer, Youtuber, and unofficial organization specialist. Nothing is more fun to me than entertaining an audience, whether it be on camera, behind the mic, or on a stage somewhere, big or small. A lot of people know me as Adorkable Rachel from my Youtube channel where I talk about puppets and movies. Oh yeah, I also love movies! Especially Star Wars movies! And Disney movies! And Die Hard movies. And Titanic. And-Anyway! Please click below to see my latest work!



Film, TV, Theater

I am a Sesame Street Workshop trained puppeteer and I’ve been fortunate enough to perform lots of characters on so many amazing projects. I have extensive experience with Muppet-style puppetry, marionettes, motion capture digital puppetry, traditional theatrical puppetry, full-size puppets, and tabletop puppets. Also, I can puppeteer both right and left-handed!


Animation, ADR, Commercial, Promo, Narration, Radio Imaging

Creating characters with my voice is probably the most fun thing I’ve ever gotten paid to do! I bring years of experience, versatility and training into the booth for every project I’m involved in, and I work diligently to give the client exactly what they want to hear while also putting my own fun spin on it. From superheroes to teenage boys to soldiers to cute animal friends, every opportunity to perform a character is a fun experience!


Movies, Puppets, Muppets, Rants, Reactions

Ironically the thing I do the least amount of these days is probably what I’m most known for! On my official channel I’ve talked about The Muppets, movies, TV shows, and other fun things I’m passionate about. I have new plans for my channel in the future so I hope you’ll check it out and subscribe to see what’s to come!